Developing Military Grade Identity
To Retrieve Data Reliably & Securely Anywhere

Many military systems face digital security, and identity and access management challenges including multiple hardware and software platforms and interfaces, multi-level security, multiple security credentials and passwords, multiple communication protocols, and lack of “thread of identity” across the security context. The key to overcoming these challenges is an enterprise-wide identity, credential and access management capability that will allow the military agency to centrally monitor, manage, secure, and audit identity, access, and authorization seamlessly across defense components, and dynamic and disjointed computing environments. The PlusAuth CIAM helps mitigate current inefficiencies of the existing systems, facilitates strong authentication with on-prem or cloud services, and provides authorization with role-base access while enabling audits of users and resources.
Leverage Defense IdAM Strategy
With Military Digital Identity Management
In addition to complex cyber and physical security threats, any Army faces significant challenges in being able to carry out its mission activities in a manner that fulfills the needs of its business partners and appropriately leverages current information technology capabilities to enable electronic service delivery. A modern identity and access management provides the capability to provide full spectrum services during all operational phases to all organizational units. PlusAuth helps military agencies realize their defense Identity and Access Management (IdAM) strategies by enabling management of digital identities of personnel entities such as members of the Army and mission partners or members of government agencies, non-governmental organizations, industry and the general public as well as non-person entities such as information systems (devices or applications) that may function as both an entity seeking access and a resource.
Build Enterprise IdAM Services Environment
For Joint Distributed Tactical Operations
Joint operations strategy brings along transition to an enterprise IdAM services environment while allowing distributed tactical operations. This transition enhances coalition and non-defense-partner secure access, as well as internal defense operations. Although an enterprise IdAM services environment presents many challenges, both technically and in terms of preserving overall resource security, a well-planned and executed access policy management becomes the key to achieving these objectives. The PlusAuth platform provides extensive IdAM capabilities to overcome technical difficulties and achieve enterprise level identity and access management. Specifically federated identity management enables identities and associated access privileges to be shared across autonomous boundaries, and allow authenticated users on one system to securely and seamlessly access information/services for which they are approved on another system without re-authentication.
Maximize Security, Interoperability & Productivity
To Successfully Complete the Mission
Ensuring interoperability with domestic and international mission partners mandates support for synchronized and responsive operations across the joint information environment by guaranteeing secure access of person and non-person entities to all authorized resources, anywhere, at any time, and from any authorized device. Delivery of a modern defense IdAM eases collaboration and information sharing with partners by providing a common framework and standards for federated information sharing, brings ability to audit user activity across diverse organizational boundaries, reduces information risk by employing stronger control of access to information, and provides many more security benefits such as improved protection of personal data by consolidating and securing identity data, automated account provisioning and assorted encryption techniques. It also enables more agile and productive workforce through defense agency employees being able to access appropriate information capabilities even from non-operational bases.