Customization The Best Way to Stand Out
To empower your branding, user trust and loyalty, PlusAuth brings flexible out-of-the-box customization and configuration options for the look and feel of your user interfaces in self-registration, login, and password reset flows in your mobile and web applications to match that of your esteemed brand. You can not only customize UX look and feel of your pages, but also your sms and emails to align with your organization’s brand requirements and user expectations. PlusAuth custom domains feature, on the other hand, provides consistent user experience by keeping users on your domain, giving them high confidence in working with a official, secure and trusted service provider.

Brand Loyalty Forge
PlusAuth: Brand Customizer
Revive the Soul of Your Business
Businesses understanding their customers best and deliver personalized, engaging, and highly relevant experiences achieve the highest degree of brand loyalty and trust. Branding is the soul of your company, giving value to your business in terms of loyalty and trust while providing your users with a more consistent user experience. PlusAuth allows you change the look and feel of your user interfaces in self-registration, login, and password reset flows. You can design and publish your mobile and web application interfaces with your logo and brand colors with minimal effort. Nor is this all; You can enrich email and sms notifications in the same way via rich customization and configuration options.
Custom Domains
From A to Z, It is Your Business
Your domain is the unique branding element of your business, probably memorized or bookmarked by many of your users. And it is your natural right to keep your users on your domain while they are authenticated and authorized on PlusAuth’s domain. This gives them the feel of using your official IT systems, hence building complete trust on your services. PlusAuth allows you to map the domain of your tenant to a custom domain that you have officially own. In this way, your users can use, see and remain on your domain instead of that of PlusAuth.

Domain Trust Assurance
PlusAuth: Seamless Domain

Secure Messaging Hub
PlusAuth: Message Tailor
Custom Emails & Sms
Gateway Between Security and Trust
Emails and sms are handy methods to keep your users’ accounts safe and seamlessly provide relevant information during their entire journey. On the other hand, customized emails and sms help increase user trust in brand communication and raise awareness at the same time by including the brand name, logo, description, link preview, and verification of each message – enhancing the customer experience for all types of communication. PlusAuth has out-of-the box support for sending event-triggered sms message notifications and emails to administrators and users, thanks to the flexible and enhanced customization features meticulously tailored to meet your needs.
User Migration
At Large Scale, Though Smoothly
Migration of users from an existing user store turns up to be the main barrier in most of the digital transformation processes. Shadowed, but annoying part of user profile migration pops-up when it comes to importing user credentials appropriately since it may raise vulnerability issues in security. PlusAuth helps seamlessly migration of user profiles, including credentials from existing user stores, via live migration or JIT methods. In addition to manual confirmations, policies formed up with matching rules enables automatic and selective user import from external resources, easing user creation and saving time.

Seamless User Migration
Profile Mover

Secure Redirection Shield
Redirect Guardian
User Redirection
Absolute Must for Secure Access
When a user is successfully authorized for an application, the user must be redirected to the application, either with an authorization code or access token in the URL. These redirect URLs contain security sensitive information, and hence the user should not be directed to arbitrary locations. PlusAuth validates redirect URLs during their registration by developers. Developers can register one or more redirect URLs when creating an application. Since native applications are clients installed on mobile or desktop devices, application claimed URLs or custom URL schemes need to be used. Handling of redirect URLs for mobile and desktop applications is provided by PlusAuth out of the box.