You can contact us without hesitation for detailed information about our super secure On-Premise solutions that we have developed for you.
Active Users
Authenticated users in mounth
Number of Social Identity Providers
Integrate social identity providers like Google, Facebook, X etc.
Machine To Machine Tokens
Ability to use Machine to Machine tokens.
Account Linking
Link accounts from different providers like Google, Facebook into your own users.
RBAC (Role Based Access Control)
Restrict access based on the role groups/roles/permissions of individual users.
Authenticate users from AD/LDAP server
Custom javascript snippets which run in secure sandbox for implementing your own lohic and needs
Email Customization
Customize your tenant's email to represent your own brand and styling.
SMS Customization
Customize your tenan's generated SMS messages.
View Customization
Customize pages rendered by PlusAuth to represent your own bran and styling.
Custom Domains
Use your own domain for interacting with PlusAuth
Token TTL
Customize lifetime of generated tokens.
Customizable Password Security
Apply custom password rules for your tenant.
Password History
Prevent users from using old password
Sign & Encryption Algorithms
Ability to use different sign & encryption algorithms.
Log Retention (Days)
Logs will be able to queried up until provided days.
Log Shipping
Store generated logs in your own insfrastructure or cloud
Log Signing
Customize your tenan's generated SMS messages.
Allow other people to manage your tenant.
Have a question or want more information? We are here to help!